Dispelling the Fear

The GogThe Hub-Ireland Booklet

Welcome to The Hub – Ireland:

A self-help, voluntary group for people in mortgage distress.

Book 1.

Dispelling the Fear:

The Platform for People Affected by Mortgages (PAH) is one of the strongest elements in Spain’s massive anti-austerity movement. The first PAH, in Barcelona, formed in 2009 after Spain’s housing bubble burst in spectacular fashion, bringing the whole economy down with it. More than half a million households have lost their homes since 2008, and there are now well over 200 PAHs and local housing assemblies.

The Hub – Ireland and other activists concerned with social change across Ireland has been a game changer.

A couple of years ago: Very few people were turning up in the “Eviction Courts”.

Today, There are not only people turning up at court, but freinds of The Hub-Ireland canvassing homes to highlight the plight of what can only be described as a national disgrace perpetrated by the Banks and facilitated by the Government.

Here is our first booklet, It is our way of fighting back:

It is in an A4 format but when we go to print it will be in an A5 size. Feel free to download, share and pass it around: Spain woke up, Ireland needs 2.

We are going to print with no money: but that is normally what we do: “a wing and a prayer”.

It is our wish and intention to print a few thousand copies and get them into every group, every Hub,  so they can distribute them, far and wide.

If you wish to help us do this our paypal account is our email address: thehubireland@gmail.com

Our first booklet: The little Green book          Our Booklet